Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How to Get Rid of Malware - What is Malware and How Do I Get Rid of It?

Malware is becoming more and more of a problem these days as we shift more of our lives online, so knowing how to get rid of malware and how to avoid it in the first place will stand you in good stead for the future and help you to enjoy more of your online experience.

What Exactly Is Malware?

Malware is an abbreviated term for "malicious software", and refers to a wide variety of "virtual nasties", as I like to call them. These nasties can be sometimes be difficult to get rid of and include things like:

Worms - these "burrow" into a system and cause damage often via email, and use your email contacts or address book to continue the process.

Trojans - harmful or annoying software that comes in by the back door, often disguised as a normal file.

Spyware - often comprising keyloggers and screen capture systems, designed to track your online movements and extort personal details, like bank account numbers, social security numbers etc. for the purpose of online fraud.

Adware - a normally harmless but annoying piece of code or software that monitors your online movements and presents advertisements linked to your browsing habits, generating revenue for the creator of the code. They are often linked with illegal or illicit sites such as pornography or hacking.

The damage these parasites cause can range from slight slow downs in your computer's performance, or annoying pop-ups, all the way to harvesting your personal details and information and even the irreparable damage to files your operating system as a whole.

How Do I Get Rid Of Malware?

Now that we've established what it actually is, we can get on to the task of how to get rid of malware.

Get An Anti-Spyware Software

While many people may have an anti-virus software, these days it is always good practice to have an anti-spyware application too, as this will create a double barrier of protection and take care of all the latest malware and virus definitions. If you don't have an anti-spyware software yet, you can find some recommendations and get a free scan at my website, at the bottom of this article.

Switch Off Your Internet Connection and Run A Scan Immediately

Run your anti-virus and anti-spyware scanning software immediately if you suspect you may be infected. Running both softwares will stop malware "falling through the net". Switching off your internet connection will avoid any slow down and prevent any new attacks to your computer, as well as stopping the malware that may be on your machine from communicating or spreading itself to other computers.

Once Detected, Zap It!

Once your software has detected the rogue in question, follow the instructions on how to get rid of the malware. Simply deleting it may not work - if it's a program file it will need to be uninstalled through the Add/Remove Programs utility in your Windows Control Panel. If the parasite has made changes to your registry, you may need to use a registry cleaner to help restore things back to normal, and get rid of the malware completely.

How Do I Avoid Malware In The Future?

Here are some good practice tips to help you avoid getting malware in the future.

Always Use A Firewall

The firewall helps to prevent attacks against your computer without you knowing. Making use of a firewall is essential when going online today. In fact if you're not using one right now, make that your first priority. Windows computers all come with a default firewall which is pretty good, so get that set up immediately if you haven't already done so. Most anti-virus software and anti-spyware softwares come with some pretty beefed-up firewalls these days so there's no reason to be without one.

Use Anti-virus Scanners To Check All Downloads and Emails

All downloads and emails should be run through your anti-virus software before being placed on your computer system, even if they're from a trusted friend. This will eliminate many possible problems.

If you're running on Windows, and downloading executable files, .exe files, (such as programs or software) you should often get a dialog box telling you whether the site you're downloading from is authenticated by Microsoft. While this is not 100% effective as not all legitimate sites have been through the authentication process, it can help you think twice if you have any doubts.

Be Careful What Sites You Visit

Particular care should be taken on Torrent and Peer-2-Peer file sharing networks as these have become a haven for hackers to spread their plagues via seemingly harmless Trojans.

This goes without saying really, but please avoid illegal or immoral websites as these are where the most dangerous and lethal virus and malware attacks occur. However, it is always good practice to follow the above tips and make sure your anti-virus and anti-spyware systems are up-to-date, just in case you get redirected to any of those questionable sites...yes, this does happen.

By Jake Unsworth

How many of your personal details do you enter on your computer on a regular basis? For instance, do you bank online, or pay bills or a credit card? Perhaps you buy gifts and other purchases online? According to CNN, if you use the internet there is a 90% chance that your computer is infected with spyware. How can you be sure that your information is not being viewed by a third party right now?

Put your mind at rest and perform a FREE scan here ==> How To Get Rid Of Malware

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Define Computer Hardware

It is quite well known that the working of the computer is pulled by hardware and software. One can define computer hardware as the electronic, magnetic, and electric devices that carry out the computing functions. Hardware is the physical components of the computer like microprocessor, hard disks, RAM, and motherboard. The peripheral devices such as monitor, mouse, keyboard, printer, and speakers can also be included in the list of hardware parts. The programs that run on the computers like Windows, C++, and Photoshop are the software parts of the computer. A good example for an easy understanding of hardware-software definition is music CDs. The actual compact disk is the hardware, while the songs and music in the CD are the software parts.

There is another way to define computer hardware. Hardware devices are the executors of the commands provided by software applications. For example, let us see what happens when you click the print button of the web browsing software. The software application provides a command to the processor, which is the central part of all computer hardware. Processor in turn checks for an attached printer. If the printer is ready, the software will get a positive response from the processor. Then the software application provides instruction to the printer via the processor to print the web page. In that sense, hardware parts are the foot soldiers and software applications are the commanders in the digital operation that takes place within a computer.

The main player of computer hardware is undoubtedly the microprocessor. It is the sun in the solar system of computer hardware devices. It is the central component and all other components work around it. It is an integrated chip on which a number of functions are incorporated. Two specifications determine its efficiency. One is its processing speed, which is measured in gigahertz. The other is its bit rate. Commonly available processors are 32 bit and 64 bit. The bit rate is a measure of the efficiency of a processor to carry out multiple operations at the same time.

One cannot define computer hardware without mentioning the two types of memory used in computers. One is permanent memory. It refers to the magnetic storage capacity of hard disk. It is measured in gigabytes. The second is RAM or random access memory. This memory is able to store data only when the computer is switched on. The memory will lose all the data when the computer is switched off.

Another important product that one should mention when one defines computer hardware is motherboard. It is the electric and electronic circuit board on which all the other components are inserted. There are several other kinds of products such as sound card, video card, network card, and modem that complete the hardware spectrum.

By Candis Reade

Candis Reade is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about Define Computer Hardware, please visit Electronics Software for current articles and discussions.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Discovering Your Local Area Network

In the late 1960's as large college universities and several research labs gained an ever increasing amount of computers, the need for interconnections that worked at high-speed was great, and the pressure was on. It was not until the mid 1970's that an answer to the demand was created, they called it LAN.

LAN stands for Local-Area Network, with the ability to cover small areas, such as a home or office or group of buildings (schools, warehouse, etc.), LANs have higher data-transfer rates, smaller range and do not require licensed telecommunication lines as opposed to WAN (Wide-Area Network). ARCNET and Token Ring were two LANs that were widely used in the past. Ethernet and Wi-Fi are two of today's most common LANs.

A LAN is an important component to gamers. By setting up a LAN, gamers can link together their computers and play with or against their friends. Games, such as "Diablo II" and "S.O.C.O.M.", allows gamers to cooperate together in a team while either on line or while their computers are connected by LAN.Games, such as "Unreal Tournament" and "Starcraft", allow gamers connected by the internet or a LAN to work as a team or to compete against each other.computers are usually linked by what is known as a Cat-5 cable to a HUB; and the HUB acts like a mediator. The Cat-5 cable connects to the back of the computer through the Ethernet port on the Network card, network adapter, LAN adapter or NIC (Network Interface Card). A network card operates on both the physical layer and the data link layer; it allows a low-level addressing system, using Mac Addresses, also known as an IP address, and physical access to the networking medium (the HUB). Not all LANs are the same; some use cables while others are wireless.

While other network technology exists, since the mid 1990's, the Ethernet network card has been leading the crowd, due to low cost and easy integration and use. A unique 48-bit serial number is on every Ethernet network card, stored in the ROM; the serial number is your computers Mac address. The Mac address for every computer must be unique; otherwise only one computer with a given Mac address could be on line and connected to the LAN at a time. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is responsible for each unique Mac address getting assigned to vendors of interface controllers; this is so no two network cards share the same Mac address.

At one point network cards were expansion cards that had to be plugged into the motherboard. Most new computers have the network card built into the motherboard; some may even have two ports built in so the computer can be connected to multiple networks. Some companies have started using optical fiber instead of Cat-5 cables or USB cords, because optical fiber is immune to electromagnetic interference. Optical fibers are made of glass or plastic, instead of metal, and carry light along their full length. The electrical signals sent along the optical fiber degrade less during transfer than signals sent along metal wires (Cat-5 cables and USB cords).

By Victor Epand

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for computer memory, PC supplies, and computer games. When shopping, we recommend the best online stores for PC supplies, LAN, computer memory, RAM.

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Friday, August 15, 2008


The reaction I seem to get from most people when I mention ASUS is "Who are they?" The same cannot be said of Hewlett Packard. In the years since Mr Hewlett and Mr Packard started making high quality electrical test equipment in a commercial garage, the company has grown and grown. They still manufacture the world's best electrical test equipment, but they also are major computer manufacturers both in the mini/server and desktop/notebook arenas. You cannot go to many major computer stores without something from HP even if it is only a printer.

HP has a little machine with an 8.9" screen. Sounds good so far. They have been marketed as Vista machines with an option to downgrade some versions to Windows XP. I was in a local electrical store, and at last they were offering an ASUS Eee for sale, but next to it was a display for this little HP 2133 with a price tag that was exactly the same as the ASUS. So for $499 you get this little machine, but it has a 120GB hard drive. What is missing? The webcam is an optional extra and you will have to research the price. I am also finding out if there is a microphone in the machine and speakers.

The Linux operating system of the HP2133 is from Novell. The difference between this and the majority of other Linux-based operating systems is that they offer commercial support. This will be very helpful to anyone who gets into problems with Linux.

You should note that the specifications for these HP2133 sub notebooks seem to be varying dramatically from one country to another. So check on and select your own country from the dropdown list where you see "United States - English" and see what is on offer to you. That way you won't get angry with me or HP if the local specification does not match what is on offer locally for you.

So look at the specifications and make your choice. I will wait to find out if the HP 2133 has a microphone and speakers and how much the webcam is. These may be decisive factors. Maybe we will need to get both the HP and the ASUS to test them out.

By Henry Chan

You might be wondering what the asus eee computers is, and why you would make money from promoting it. When you go to Amazon, you will see Kindle, and many people will click wanting to buy one. But, there is a problem...find out what it is here at: asus eee computers

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ATI 4800 Series Vs NVidia 9900 Series

The new ATI 4800 series is nearing its release, and more and more information is leaked on the whereabouts of the new NVidia 9900 series GPU, so the issue now is: which one will be better? Well, unfortunately, there are no credible benchmarks on either of these cards, so I will have to talk from the perspective of a business man.
The RV770, also known as the ATI Radeon 4800 series, is supposed to be released this month.Shortly afterwards, nVidia will release its 9900 series GPU's in response to ATI. Now, this will be a very interesting show. First of all, ATI's been steadily regaining its momentum. With the huge success of the ATI 3800 series GPU's, ATI can use its recent success as a push toward the top of the hill.
While ATI pushes forward with its recent success, NVidia is now in a somewhat tense situation. With the disappointing debut of the 9800series GPU's, NVidia must lick its wounds and push forward again to recreate the gains they had on ATI. Now that ATI is starting to build momentum, NVidia will have to work its butt off polishing the 9900series GPU's as much as possible so that both GPU's will not turn out to be the second 9800 series. Although they're being released as replacements of the 9800 series GPU, NVidia will nonetheless have to do some serious work in the area of performance and price-to-performance ratio on their 9900 series GPU's, because ATI will no doubt use their price-to-performance success on their ATI 3800 series GPU's on their Radeon 4800 series GPU's.
This is indeed a tight situation for NVidia; but an extremely valuable chance for ATI. This may bring back ATI to its former glory, and give ATI the chance to compete against NVIdia neck-to-neck, as an equally-polished GPU company once again.
Another side of this situation is that the pressure on NVidia might actually turn out to be favorable for NVidia, because the pressure might actually make NVIdia churn out an excellent GPu. Either way, both GPU's, the NVidia and ATI GPU's, will go neck to neck, and fight its way for the king of the hill.

By Aki Horie

To read more articles on computer hardware, go to

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Best Laser Printers

If you find yourself in the situation where you have to buy a new laser printer, you want to enter the market as an informed buyer so you can buy the best laser printer possible. New and improved laser printers are being developed and hitting the market every day, and there are so many options it can be very dizzying. Due to the rapid development of technology, even the cost of the best laser printers are getting lower and lower. Expensive toner is still an issue, but with a little research you'll find you have access to some of the best laser printers ever made at low prices.

Some of the best laser printers you can buy include Brother HL-4040CN, Dell Color Laser Printer 1320c, and the Konica Minolta Magicolor 2540DL. These all have great options and performance and many are available for lower than $400. The above printers are considered some of the best laser printers around because of all the great reviews they receive. The best decision you can make when looking for shopping for a printer is to consult reviews from real customers. These are the experts on how these machines work in day-to-day business and personal use. You can find great reviews about the best laser printers on some great websites.

What to Look For in a Laser Printer

When in the market for a printer, you want to make sure you are shopping for one that fits your needs. Often, even if you only intend to print black and white documents, color laser printers are the best laser printers for the job, because the black contrasts are much richer and easier to read. You might want to consider buying a color printer if you really need professional looking documents. If you don't need your black and white pages to be spectacular, then you should check out some of laser printers with only black ink. These can turn out to be more economical, if that's one of your priorities.

What to Avoid

Reading reviews can help you find the exactly what you need and avoid all the duds that may stop performing on you after only a few print jobs. You also don't want a printer that will leave streaks on your paper, or is too difficult to use. By reading the reviews of customers with real, tangible experience with the laser printer you're looking at, you can be sure that you're really buying on the more reliable and best laser printers around. Real world evidence is better insurance than even the most reliable warranty because it can save all the time you might lose with repairs. You want to only buy proven printers to ensure that your business and life run as smooth as possible.

Make sure you save your time and money and check out all the great reviews from experienced customers who can help you make an informed shopping decision. If you're goal is to save yourself a world of hassle, then educate yourself before you make a big purchasing decision.

By Randy Letter

If you need more tips and information about laser printers you may want to have a look at my printer website

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5 Basic Tips to Selection of a Motherboard

Motherboard is one of the important parts of the computer. The entire computing process is based on the motherboard.

The technology of the motherboard are always upgraded frequently in a year. The system is getting more compact and the capacity of the motherboard is increasing. People always love fast speed and they are always in search of higher version of the CPU.

1. System upgradation includes change in capacity of the processor. The new versions of processors are available from many companies. If you are looking for upgraded version of the processor, you must have to select the processor based on the present system configuration.

2. Apart from the processor, it is essential to select the proper upgraded processor as per your budget. You must have to consult the system engineer to get the suitable version of the processor to replace the current processor. In the earlier years the Celeron mother boards were installed in most of the system and in laptop or notebook.

3. In the present era, Pentium grade and new version of processor are available with higher capacity of the processing the database. Similarly you must have to upgrade the BIOS as per your configurations.

4. If you install the faster processor than it carry more power load and if you install old version of motherboard than it does not work so it is better to select the proper motherboard that suits to your requirement.

5. The motherboard is available around $100 pr more. You must have to select the proper version of the processor based on the motherboard. If you want to install the motherboard you must have to get the details about the capacity of the motherboard that suits to your needs.

It is better to select the motherboard that suits to your existing needs.

By Alex Bellweather

Alex Bellweather is a writer for Best Motherboards, the premier website to find motherboards, motherboard upgrade, motherboards reviews, best motherboards, PC motherboard, motherboard industry, Motherboard Designed, Motherboard Guide and many more.

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Web 2.0 - What it Is

Web 2.0 is a term that has been around the computer industry for the past few years but what it actually is seems to still be somewhat illusive in nature. Web 2.0 is not a single technology but a set of technologies used in the design, development, creation and use of web pages that aims to enhance creativity, information sharing, and, most notably, collaboration among users.

The technologies encompassed by Web 2.0 include, but are by no means limited to blogs, RSS, Wikis, rich Internet applications using Ajax, and mashups. The philosophy of Web 2.0 focuses on the idea that the people who access the Internet and use the Web should not just be passively involved in what they are doing but rather should be active contributors, helping customize media and technology for their own purposes, as well as those of their organizations.

Short for "Web logs," blogs are online journals created by an individual or an organization and cover topics ranging from human rights to fashion, and everything in between. Blog postings, typically updated on a daily basis, can include images, photos, links, video, audio, or simple text. The postings are archived by date and sometimes by category or by author. Permanent links allow other bloggers and Web site owners to link directly to a specific post on a blog and encourage inter-blog dialog.

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds include the delivery of the latest headlines and updates from favorite Web sites to one's desktop without the need to visit the web site, open a browser or check email. It is a tool that is easy to set up with little cost. To start receiving feeds from one's favorite sites, the user downloads an aggregator, the software that delivers the content to the desktop. The RSS can then be customized to search for content on specific keywords or information, as well as content that is tailored to one's individual tastes.

A wiki is a collection of web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses them to contribute or modify content, using a simplified markup language, like HTML. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and run community websites. For example, the encyclopedia Wikipedia is one of the best known and popular wikis. Wikis are used in businesses to provide affordable and effective intranets and in education for collaborative student projects and communication.

AJAX, which is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a set of technologies for writing code for Web pages that is used to create rich Internet web applications. The fundamental characteristic of Ajax that differentiates it from other web programming languages is that it enables the exchange of small amounts of data with the server in the background so that entire web pages do not need to be reloaded every time there is a request to get data from the server. This asynchronous design increases the speed, interactivity, functionality and usability of web pages. Ajax does not change web pages themselves, but rather how programmers present the data to users. Ajax is considered to be a cross-platform technology in that it can be used on different operating systems, computer architectures and web browsers due to its being based on open standards and open source frameworks and libraries.

A mashup is a web application that combines data from many sources into a single integrated web page. A mashup web application consists of three parts: the data source, which can be any provider of information or content; the mashup web site itself which is the application that combines the data; and the web browser which is the end-user interface for the mashup.

Web 2.0 tools are important, but their impact goes much deeper than their novelty might suggest. Individuals and organizations alike are finding new and increasingly effective ways of connecting through Web 2.0 technologies from building movements for social, environmental, economic, and political change to increasing business through sales and marketing exposure.

By Mack Harris

Visit for more information about the rugged laptop industry.

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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Save Your Life With Computer Spyware Removal

The computer has become an essential part of almost everyone's life. In this hi-tech world we live in today, most of our significant activities are dependent on our use of the computer. We have relied on this connection of keypads, monitors, and CPU's to get us through the day with convenience.

Our dependence on the computer is threatened by viruses that infect its system. We can lose the variety of things we store in it, from photos we take for a hobby to articles or programs we make for a living. Indeed, just imagining such an occurrence - our trusty computer suddenly breaking down - can cause us stress. That's how much the computer means to us - that's how the computer has become not just a home or office fixture, but our very life.

In order to avoid such a scenario, it is imperative that we take care of our computer and protect it from all sorts of virus, especially the most dangerous and fatal ones. Just like how we look after our health to prolong or save our life, we should also look after our computer.

One of this kind of virus is spyware. Spyware basically works as a privacy-invading virus. It enters your computer and collects information about you and your online activities. It does not end there. The real danger that spyware poses is that it gives away the information it has gathered to a third party. Your usernames, passwords, and credit card details can and will be made known to a complete stranger. Before this happens, you must perform a computer spyware removal.

Computer spyware removal is not as difficult a task as it sounds. With the number of tools and programs that you can use, it is actually not as mind-boggling as you think. Through this, you can ensure your computer's safety and longevity.

There are a number of computer spyware removal utilities available in the market today. If you search online, a variation in the word you type on the search engine will still lead you to almost the same sites trusted in computer spyware removal. From these sites you can find out the numerous programs you can readily download - most of these are for free - and use to keep your computer system protected.

Some of these utilities or programs are Spyware Doctor, Scan Spyware, AntiSpy, Spy Eraser, Spyware Stopper, and Omniquad AntiSpy. There are many more accessible programs you can use for computer spyware removal. However, before you decide to download any of the ones you come across with, it is best if you have an expert with you to help you choose the best option. Beware that there are marketed spyware removal programs that are actually invested with the virus.

Our computer is not the only one that can benefit from the precaution that we take to ensure it remains virus-free. We, ourselves, are the main recipients of the rewards of a well-protected computer. With computer spyware removal, we can continue to do work and pleasure, save important files, and browse through the internet risk-free.

By Jason Hobbs

If you would like more information on Spyware & A FREE Scan then visit the authors site here't Risk Being Infected Get A Free Scan Today

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Overclocking Software

There are numerous softwares which one can use and download for the purpose of overclocking. It depends on what type of overclocking system the person is looking for. If he wants certain software for his graphics card or his video then he has to download different software for each of them. This software is available on the web for him to search and download. Once he chooses particular software, he can go through the provided steps to download the software in his PC. Further, the person should keep it in mind that overclocking and fan speed modifications can cause harm to his system.

Overclock - coolbits

In order to update the overclocking of the system, one can opt for the overclocking portion. To overclock, the person can opt for coolbits software which he can download from the provided website. For the same, he has to extract and open the contained folder and run the coolbits software registered file. The software will ask the person a message about the process and one has to click on the yes button when the procedure gets over.

After this step, the person has to go to his Nvidia display properties and right click on his desktop. Then as per the instructions, he has to go through properties- settings tab and advance with Nvidia 6800 tab. When he clicks on the 6800 tab, the side window pops up in which the person has to click the clock frequency choice.

Now, the person will be shown a side window which will come up and he should click on the provided frequency choices. This requires him to click the manual overclocking and click yes to the message. In the settings bar, the system asks the person to change it from 2nd change to 3rd performance. After this, he has to press the detect optimal frequent button and when the testing is done, he has to click the apply button to apply it to the startup. After all this is done he can press the ok button. The message prompt of yes goes back and checks that the settings are stuck. Lastly, the person has to reboot the last time and check the power speed up from 55k to 63.5k.

In this manner there are a lot of software meant for different usages of certain packages. This software is available on online websites for free.

By Billy Zype

Billy Zype is an overclocking expert. You can check out his website at

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5 Tips For Getting Started With it Asset Management

  1. Set goals - what is it that you are looking to achieve with your new IT Asset Management program? This can be an effort to improve support resolution, respond to an audit request, or simply a need to know which assets you have across your networks. Set the goals and targets for your program so you could measure how your ITAM efforts are progressing.

  2. Get buy-in from the business side - ITAM is a business process, so get a buy-in from the business side of the house. Communicate your plan with senior management and get their support for the process and the investment, and make sure they are actively involved with exploring the improvement opportunities (for example, renegotiate your maintenance contracts, reassign assets or modify your IT usage policies). An ITAM program is probably not going to help improve your company's income, but it will most likely drive significant cost saving and help improve your IT efficiency - set your management expectation accordingly.

  3. Prepare for the long term - ITAM is an ongoing process and not a onetime event. Your business and your IT systems are constantly changing and keeping them aligned is an ongoing effort. An effective ITAM program requires ongoing review to allow you to maximize the value of the program. On the bright side, the ongoing nature of an ITAM program is a source for a constant flow of improvement opportunities (cost saving or procedure wise) which you could adopt to extract even more value from your assets. Examples includes reassigning licenses, reducing help-desk resolution time, and detecting risks to your IT asset such as missing security patches or illegal software, as well as risks to your business such as insufficient software licenses.

  4. Pick a tool and automate what you can. Once you define the goals and requirements for your ITAM program, pick a tool that would support your requirements and fit your environment. If your company has many branches and remote employees, or your network architecture is very complex, you need to consider a tool that can easily adjust to it. Look for a tool that will support your ongoing efforts, help detect improvement opportunities, and will not create a significant administrative overhead (we want to manage assets, not manage more-tools-to-manage-assets). Lastly, make sure you try the tool in your own environment before you commit to it.

  5. Establish a baseline - an accurate baseline of your assets is the foundation of a successful ITAM program. Your baseline should include an accurate inventory of your PC's (including physical locations and users), installed software, printers and financial records such as contracts and software licenses that your company owns. Once you have established a baseline, a proper tool and the right mindset will help you keep your inventory accurate so you could gain long-term value from your newly deployed ITAM program.

By Doron Gordon

SAManage (, a leading provider of on-demand IT Asset Management services.

SAManage ("Simple Asset Management") helps organizations effectively manage IT Assets such as PC and software inventory, contracts and software licenses, and detect potential IT risks or license compliance gaps. Our on-demand service can be easily deployed across multiple locations within minutes and provide visibility into complex IT infrastructures to ensure optimized IT asset utilization.

Visit and sign up for a free 30-days trial today.

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Cybercops for Cybercrime

In an effort to regulate the investigation of digital crime in the US, some states are looking at limiting the practice to Private Investigators. North and South Carolina, Georgia, New York, Nevada, Texas, Virginia and Washington are just some of the states that are enacting mandatory licensing of all forensic investigators.

One of the main problems around the investigation of digital crime is the issue of jurisdiction. Digital crime is borderless. Someone in New York can perpetrate criminal activities in Los Angeles without moving from his of her desk. According to the new laws anyone investigating this crime would have to be licensed in both New York and LA for his or her findings to be admissible in a court of law. Should supporting digital evidence be found in any other states, the investigator would need valid PI licenses for them too. Evidence from unlicensed investigators will be excluded from court and could result in the criminal prosecution of the offenders.

IT professionals by and large don't have any problems with attempts to regulate their field. Their primary concern is that they are being forced into an existing and ill-fitting category rather than being given one of their own. They fear that by allowing anyone with a PI license to claim forensic investigative credibility, evidence will be unnecessarily compromised and the field's image will be irreparably tarnished. Their argument is that if they have to be licensed, then regular PIs should also be licensed to carry out the delicate and specialised work of data collection and recovery.

What is in fact needed is more education on all sides. Forensic investigators need to learn more about court procedures and what constitutes admissible evidence, for example, maintaining the chain of custody of evidence and the proper documentation of findings. Prosecutors should know more about what is and is not possible so that they'll recognise outlandish claims and know when to challenge the credibility of evidence.

If PIs want to engage in digital investigations they should be able to prove their competency in the field. There should be a standard exam that all aspirant digital investigators need to pass in order to qualify for a forensic investigator PI license. Standardised practices will make it easier for investigators to work across state boundaries. Standardisation will also contribute to transparency in a field whose specialised nature places it at risk of obfuscation.

Regulations are necessary in all industries. They help those within the industries work to the best of their abilities and create a sense of accountability and responsibility. It's undeniable that the field of digital investigation needs regulating, as without it evidence is open to compromise. But legislators should take care that the regulations serve the industries that they are designed to protect, and don't detract from their credibility. Stan King, from the Forensics and Investigative Response Practice of Verizon Business Services said, "Like a doctor who's gone to medical school, works in his field, takes continuing education and maintains his medical licenses-that's the level of accountability we need for digital forensics". I don't think that the courts of South Carolina would argue.

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By Sandy Cosser

Sandra wrote this article for the online marketers MVI Data Recovery data recovery one of the most successful data recovery companies in the UK today.

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Cisco CCNA, CCENT, and CCNP Exam Practice Questions - Hex Conversions, HDLC, PPP, and More!

Let's test your knowledge of hexadecimal conversions, router defaults, IPv6, and more with these Cisco certification exam practice questions!

CCENT Certification:

Short answer: What is the decimal equivalent of the hex value Fa8?

Answer: We have 15 ("F") units of 256, 10 ("a") units of 16, and 8 units of 1.
3840 + 160 + 8 = 4008

CCNA Certification:

What is the default encapsulation type of a Cisco Serial interface?




D. Frame Relay


F. There is no default encap type - when you open a Cisco router's Serial interface, there is no encapsulation present.

Answer: A. The default encapsulation type on a Cisco serial interface is High Data-Link Control (HDLC), as verified here by the output of show interface serial0. This particular interface is shut down, but you can still see the default encap type!

R1#show interface s0

Serial0 is administratively down, line protocol is down

Hardware is HD64570

MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation HDLC, loopback not set

CCNP Certification / BSCI Exam:

Which of the following statements are true regarding the expression of a single IPv6 address?

A. There is no limit on zero compression.

B. There is no limit on leading zero compression.

C. There is a limit on how many times you can use zero compression.

D. There is a limit on how many times you can use leading zero compression.

Answer: B, C. Zero compression is the act of replacing blocks of zeroes with double-colons and can only be used once in a single address. Leading zero compression is the act of dropping leading zeroes in a single block, and there is no limit in how many times you can do this in an IPv6 address. Just remember to leave at least one number in such a block!

CCNP Certification / BCMSN Exam:

Short answer: What command is used to place individual switch ports into an Etherchannel?

Extra credit: How many physical channels can be placed into an Etherchannel?

Answer(s): Use the channel-group command to place ports into an Etherchannel. To get the extra credit ;), you should know that you can place up to eight physical channels into an EC.

CCNP Certification / ISCW Exam:

Identify the true statements regarding Authentication Header.

A. AH uses IP protocol number 50.

B. AH uses IP protocol number 51.

C. AH authenticates the header.

D. AH does not authenticate the header.

E. AH encrypts the packet's payload.

F. AH does not encrypt the packet's payload.

Answers: B, C, F. AH uses protocol number 51, and it does authenticate the header - after all, it's Authentication Header! AH does not encrypt the payload itself, though.

CCNP Certification / ONT Exam:

What type of delay is defined as the amount of time it takes a packet to be transferred from the input interface of a router to the output interface?

A. Queueing delay

B. Propagation delay

C. Processing delay

D. Serialization delay

Answer: C. That might sound like queueing delay, but it's actually the description of a processing delay.

By Chris Bryant

Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933, is the owner of The Bryant Advantage, home of free CCNA certification and Cisco CCNP tutorials, The Ultimate CCNA Study Package, and Ultimate CCNP Study Packages.

Visit his blog, which is updated several times daily with new Cisco certification articles, free tutorials, and daily CCNA / CCNP exam questions!

A free 7-part course, "How To Pass The CCNA", is also available.

Attend a Network+ Boot Camp without leaving home with this special from The Bryant Advantage!

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When Your Laptop Drive Is Damaged - 7 Mistakes to Avoid

Below numbering of the seven disastrous faults not to do while your hard disc is damaged.

1- Encase of fire harm don't try to clean, or to put in refrigerator or deep freezer on fire damaged media.

2- Encase of physical harm don't attempt to remove disc drive, don't shake, dismantle any hard disk or notebook that has been damaged, since wrong handling can do retrieval more serious or impractical.

3- After physical harm immediately switch off PC, never try to operate whatsoever visible damaged devices as additional operation may harm data irremediably.

4- Water harm case : Never ever try to make clean or dry out water damaged hard drive by opening it or disclosing it to heat (the high temperature of a hair drier for instance).

5- Once a user check messages such as "Operating System not found", "Corrupt Volume" or once he may merely be missing files and folders he had better at once shut down the computer. (Since the more durable a damaged hard disk is left working, the many more data that can be entirely dropped off).

6- Encase of mechanical harm if you pick up strange makes noise or grinding, don't carry a check disk software package (CHKDSK or some another software like that).

7- And at last if you're a newcomer, never set about to try the retrieval alone whenever you have some valuable data.

In this seven sort of case you'll have to get through narrowed down company, and that can/will cost you in all probability a good deal of money.

As a matter of fact the biggest erroneous belief to stave off is the absence of backup, I'll never say it sufficient, backup your files, backup your files... Backup...

Or get fix to confront a catastrophe.

Visit to learn more about Backup and Laptop.

By Alan Mod

I'm moderator for, and I'm hoping contribute to make grow our community by sharing my knowledge and helping people

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What Type of Data Backup is Best For Your Business?

Keeping a copy of critical data is important for both home and business computer users. Whether it's your personal checking account or a corporate customer database, a backup copy can save you from disaster in the event the original file is lost.

There are several levels of backup from local copies to online file storage. Each is successively more secure and more likely to keep your data safe.

Backups on the Same Computer

Some data can be satisfactorily backed up on the same computer. A common example would be a spreadsheet that is about to undergo significant changes. By saving another copy the user can always revert back to the original if the changes aren't implemented correctly.

Keeping old versions for easy reference or reversion of changes is fine, but these types of backup are almost useless for data security. Anything that endangers the original file will endanger the backup as well. A failed hard drive means both are lost.

A slightly higher level of security is realized by saving to a different hard drive on the same computer. If the main hard drive fails the data is still safe on a backup drive. However disasters such as fires or floods could destroy the entire computer system and again both copies are lost.

External Backup Media

Tape backups are still an inexpensive and effective choice of external media, although CDs, DVDs or external hard drives are good options as well. Media kept onsite can be stored in a fireproof safe or other secure environment, protecting the data against larger disasters. Yet another level of security can be achieved by storing the media offsite.

Onsite media, even if stored securely, is still in danger from any threat to the main data. Offsite media is better protected but is hard to get to. When you need to restore from offsite media you have to wait hours or days for the media to be delivered to you first.

Online File Storage

A backup option that combines security, safety, and convenience is online file storage. Keeping copies online takes offsite data backup to a new level. Your data is stored in servers that may not even be in the same state much less the same city. Even widespread natural disasters won't threaten both your originals and your backups at the same time.

Despite the remote storage, your data is still easy to get to. Log on to the online file storage site and your files are immediately available. Unattended backups are easy because there are no tapes to swap out.

Online solutions are completely secure. Connections are encrypted so that hackers can't intercept your data or pull it off the storage servers. In fact online backup is more secure than offsite tapes, which are unencrypted and could be examined by anyone.

By Christine Harrell

Author is a freelance copywriter. For more information on Online File Storage, visit

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Preparation Steps Before Reformatting Your Computer's Hard Drive

If you are like most people, your computer is one of the most valuable possessions in your home. This is not simply because of what it is capable of doing, but also for all the information it holds. For most people, computers are practically a family member.

Few use date books or traditional calendars anymore because most of what they need is in one place ready to access at any time. For either personal or professional use, a computer is one piece of technology that most of us can no longer live without.

That is why it is so important to know how to prepare to reformat your computer's hard drive in case it takes a severe crash or doesn't boot up. The delicate nature of this exercise is reformatting in a way that salvages your data. You should never reformat your computer without knowing the step-by-step directions you need to follow.

In fact, you should have very good reasons to justify your decision to reformat at all before doing so. Computer experts agree that reformatting a drive should be the last option you take considering it is such a major change to your computer.

First, long before your computer experiences any significant damage, make a backup of all the information and programs stored on your computer. Without a backup copy of your computer's vital information, you will lose any important documents, passwords, music files, and other desirable data you currently have stored. Backups should be made on regular intervals (weekly or even daily), and done at least monthly.

Additionally, you need a copy of your installation software that usually comes with your computer when you first buy it. It may also be called a backup CD. This includes the operating system that you are using as well as any other software for programs you use that comes standard with your computer.

At the same time, you want to make a boot CD which can be created through the control panel on your computer. This will enable you to boot up your computer with that CD.

Finally, you will then take the steps to reformat and install your operating system, such as Windows XP. Follow the instructions completely by installing the system to the hard drive, which is usually drive C. If you are not confident in what you are doing, then by all means take your computer to someone who does, because you do not want to be left with a useless box after completion.

By Darrin Johnson

For practical PC security software information, please visit, a popular site providing great insights concerning issues that help you to combat viruses, spyware, adware, and more!

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What To Do When Your Computer Runs Slow?

Do you ever face the problem where you computer starts to become sluggish or slow in its processing? Computers are supposed to be machines and should be able to do what man cannot possible do, maintaining a peak performance everyday. If not, what is the point of having one then? What we need is a machine, a computer that can help us store our data, our plans and work and can churn out whatever we need at the snap of a finger. But as the years go by, it seems as though the snap of the finger now has changed to become two snaps, and with time, more snaps are needed.

What do we do then, when we can no longer have our information that we need instantly? There are a couple of methods or ways that one can implement to improve the speed of their computers.

Upgrading your RAM

Our computer's RAM determines the amount of memory that it has and ultimately the speed it can process at. Upgrading your RAM is as good as saying you want to improve the speed of your computer. However, it is not free of charge and comes with a cost. Given that upgrading your RAM is becoming more and more affordable these days, you may feel that it is a good idea to upgrade yours right now; however remember that it would be useless if you upgraded your RAM only to find that your computer is still slow due to other reasons. Thus think twice and be sure before you purchase a new RAM.

Clear the Registry

Each computer comes with something called the registry that not many people know of. The registry is an important part of your computer as it stores crucial information that has to do with the login users and also which applications are allowed to access the computer. With time, the registry gets clogged with unnecessary garbage and loaded with numerous false entries that only serve to slow the speed of the computer. As such, it is a good practice to regularly clean out your registry. How to get one is simple! Go to the Web and search for one, each will cost about 30 dollars, cheap and effective. A good buy indeed!


Search for de-fragmentation in your computer system through the search function and carry out de-fragmentizing. This may sound too technical for some of us, but it simply means to arrange the data in your computer in a much more organized and efficient fashion as to speed up it's processing. Think of it as messy room compared to a tidy room. It would definitely be easier to walk through the room that is neater than the other. With the same analogy, a neater computer would process better than one that has yet to be sorted out.

There are many other ways to help solve the problem of slow computers, but those mentioned above are cheap and hassle-free. Also, they only take a short amount of time to be completed. But do take note that if all else fails; it is wiser to seek council from a technician who will certainly be able to help you out even more.

By Logan Albright

Logan Albright is an authority on troubleshooting computer problems at where he helps thousands how to optimize their computers through a proper computer check up. Click Here to speed up your pc for free.

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Top 10 Tips and Ideas For How to Make an Ink Cartridge Last Longer

Do you want to save money on expensive ink cartridges for your printer?

Then you need to follow some smart tips that can help your ink cartridge last longer.

Ink cartridges can be expensive

If you have been buying lot of office equipment and printer accessories, you may have noticed that inkjet printer cartridges cost you a good deal of money.

There cannot be any compromise on ink cartridge refill or replacing ink cartridges itself owing to the large amount of printing work that needs to be done constantly at your office.

To make it more economical and affordable, you need to follow a few strategies that can help you curb your monthly expenditure on buying ink cartridges for regular use.

Top 10 tips to effectively utilize your printer cartridge to last longer

1. Determine your printing purpose

Before you start printing any particular portion of text or graphics, decide its relevance and usefulness so that you do not unnecessarily spend time in printing things that may not be of much use.

2. Avoid extreme temperatures

High variations in temperature can easily affect printer ink cartridges. Hence, make sure that they are not exposed to extreme heat or cold conditions to ensure a lasting performance.

3. Use color printing as and when needed

If you want your refilled ink to run longer, then make use of color printing only when required. Otherwise, for general and regular use, it is wiser to use black and white printing that helps in saving your money on buying additional refills.

4. Choose the correct printer settings

In case you have documents that are not been used for presentation purpose, then a draft printer setting should serve the purpose for all general documents.

5. Regular use of the printer

It is necessary that you use the printer on a regular basis so that there is lesser chance of the printer ink drying up easily. Just try printing some small portion of text every time.

6. Printing text over graphics

If you are printing documents only for the sake of plain reference, you can print only the essential text and the matter that is required. Avoid printing images or colorful graphics if it does not serve the purpose.

7. Use Print preview more often

Print preview function is a useful feature that can help you in giving a preview of how the document will look like after been printed. It can help you adjust spaces and organizing things together before getting the final output.

8. Stopping the printer in working mode

Never stop the printer in between until it has completed the task, as the cartridge could be still moving. This will force the printer head to stop at a particular place where you stopped the process and may cause ink leakage too.

9. Installing a good software

Lot of ink saving software is available online which can be used for reducing the consumption of printer ink. Some of them consume less ink even when used for high resolution printing purposes.

10. Do not shut off the printer every time

If you are using the printer frequently, avoid shutting it fully until you have completed your work. Otherwise, it may unnecessarily cause your printer ink to dry up in the process as everytime you turn it on, a small amount of ink is utilized.

By following such small yet effective tips, you can ensure that your refilled ink cartridge lasts longer.

By James Kara Murat

James Kara Murat from, the contributor of Printer Ink Cartridges Articles. More information on the subject is at How to Make an Ink Cartridge Last Longer, and related resources can be found at HP Printer Cartridges

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The Basic Laptop

The laptop computer sometimes called a notebook is the mobile and smaller version of a regular desk top type computer today innovations in computer technology have made it possible to get the full performance of the desk tops packaged into a small and very portable unit which can weigh any where from 2 ½ to 7 lbs making it possible to now take the power and performance of the computer where every you may need to go.

These small and portable units are capable of performing many of the same if not all of the task as the larger desktop units. While it is true the do not have all the power of the larger Desktop models for many of us they have everything you will need to perform a large array of you computing task in this portable platform. The power and performance like anything you buy today depends greatly on the amount you are willing to spend.

For the most part laptops are affordable options for many consumers looking to purchase a portable unit that is vary capable of performing and accomplishing our daily task. The components of the laptop have been optimized and made as small as possible, while keeping in mind their power consumption rates to improve the or extent the life of their batteries.

Laptops on a Budget

If you are looking for a laptop to perform a task such as word processing, searching the internet, staying in contact through emails, your in luck today you can find a number of affordable laptops vary capable of handling these task with out having to spend too much money. One of the best places to find a good used or refurbished laptop is on eBay or similar auction sites. To have a laptop capable of handling these tasks look for one which has the following minimum features a 14.1 to 15 inch screen, 30 GB hard drive, at least 256 RAM, an Ethernet network Card and a modem for connecting to the internet.

If you are looking for a laptop for video gaming or performing more complicated tasks you should plan on tripling the size of your Hard Drive and having at a minimum of 1GZ RAM you should also think about some form of a graphic accelerator.

The following are some very good performing and reliable laptops IBM ThinkPad T23, Dell Latitude D505, Sony Vaio FR415B, and Toshiba Satellite. While these are good choices if you are truly on a budget don't forget to look at Acer, and Averatec, as these to manufacturers strive to provide the consumer with vary good and reliable laptop at some of the best prices you will find. Shop around and I'm sure you will find a laptop which is right for your needs and at an affordable price.

By Robert R Smith

By: RR Smith

If you are looking for used laptops or refurbished laptops follow this link we have access to all makes and models with some tremendous saving available to you!

Used Laptop Deals.Com

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How to Downgrade Your Laptop From Vista to XP

Now the first question you might be asking when you read this article is 'Why would anyone want to downgrade their laptop from Vista to XP?' There are many reasons, but the most common one is speed and stability. Windows Vista is noticeably faster than Vista on the same hardware. Also, Windows Explorer crashes more often in Vista than in XP.

In this article we will take a look at how we can downgrade Vista to XP in the simplest way. There are actually a few options for doing it, so we will run through three of them here.

Option 1: Perform A Windows Recovery

One way to downgrade to XP is to perform a Windows Recovery. Now, this approach is more convenient because you don't need to wipe out your hard drive.

The flip side is that it is generally not as 'clean' as the other option (the Start from Scratch option below).

Let's look at what you need to do:

Back up your entire hard drive.

The first and most important thing to do is to back up your entire hard drive in case anything goes wrong with this process. If you have Windows Vista Business or Ultimate, there is a Complete PC Backup and Restore tool you can use. Also, make sure you leave Several free GB of hard disk space on the boot drive after performing the backup.

A safer (and my preferred) way is to copy your data onto an external hard disk. You can easily copy it all back once XP is up and running. Ensure that you back up the entire C:Users folder, which will include your Documents directory, your desktop files, plus application data such as e-mail.

Back up your entire hard drive.

The first and most important thing to do is to back up your entire hard drive in case anything goes wrong with this process.

If you have Windows Vista Business or Ultimate, there is a Complete PC Backup and Restore tool you can use.

Boot up using your Windows XP disc.

Insert your Wnidows XP disc into your optical drive and turn on the laptop. You can then press the spacebar when you see the message Press any key to boot from CD .... Now, if you don't see this message, you need to go into the laptop's BIOS setup screen and change the boot options. Your CD drive should appear before your hard drive in the boot sequence list.

Open the Recovery Console.

Once Windows XP Setup starts, you should press R on the first page and open the Recovery Console. When asked to choose a Windows installation, type 1 and press Enter.

At this point, you might be asked for the Administrator password. This is where it gets a bit tricky. If you don't know the Administrator password, you can get it this way:

    * Boot back into Windows Vista

    * Open the Start menu, type lusrmgr.msc and press Enter

    * Open the C:Users folder

    * Double-click on the Administrator account and turn off the Account is disabled option

    * Open the Start menu again, type Control userpasswords2 into the Search box, then press enter

    * Click the Reset Password button, choose a new password, and start over

That gives you the Administrator password and you should be able to proceed with the downgrade.

Prep your hard disk for XP. Next, we go back to the Recovery Console command prompt, and type the following commands.


ren windows winvista


Allow your laptop to restart, and boot using your Windows XP CD again. The Windows XP setup will start normally.

Move your documents. Once the Windows XP setup completes, you will have a working Windows XP operating system. However, you will need to move some files manually. Most importantly, these would be your documents, the your desktop contents, as well as any other data in Vista's redundant C:Users folder into XP's C:Documents and Settings folder. You'll also need to reinstall all your applications and device drivers, and eventually delete the abandoned C:Winvista folder.

And that's it ... if you've followed through this far, you will have downgraded Windows Vista to Windows XP successfully, without re-formatting your hard drive.

Option 2: Start From Scratch

The second way to downgrade to XP is to start from scratch. This method has the advantage of being a very 'clean' install. That is, your laptop won't be loaded with remnants of Vista, mixed up with XP. Everything in there will be pure Windows XP.

Here's how we do it:

Back up your entire hard drive.

As before, the first step to do is to back up your entire hard drive in case anything goes wrong with this process.
Just copy your data onto an external hard disk - you can copy it back once XP is up and running.

Perform a Clean Windows XP install.

The procedure here varies widely, depending on your laptop. You should consult your laptop's manual for details.
Typically, the laptop software will wipe out the hard drive and put in a preinstalled copy of Windows XP onto the drive.

This image should come with all the drivers and demo software that you got with your laptop when it was first purchase.

When the install is done, simply hook up your backup drive and copy your files back.

Option 3: Dual-Boot Configuration

Now, consider a third option. What if you have some essential application or device that simply won't work with Vista. You also don't want to downgrade to XP.

What do you do in this case? One option is to perform a dual-boot. Be warned, however, this option is an advanced option, so you should have some idea of dual-booting before you try it out.

You will be installing XP alongside Vista, so you'll need a second hard drive, or a second partition on your primary drive.

You should start off booting from a Windows XP Setup disc, then install the operating system on that second drive.

Once you have done that - DO NOT panic when Vista won't start. Just simply reinstall Vista's boot manager.
Boot off your Vista Setup disc, and click Next on the first page.

On the Install Windows page, click Repair your computer.

You'll be prompted to choose between Windows XP and Vista each time you turn on your laptop.

Right! I hope this article has given you some idea of how to downgrade from Windows Vista to Windows XP. The downgrade does indeed make good sense if you're having problems adjusting to Vista. However, you should also take into account that new software is being tuned for Vista. And legacy Windows XP support will disappear very soon. In any case, if you feel the downgrade is still needed, try one of the above options. I hope they work for you!

By Gary Hendricks

Gary Hendricks runs a website about laptops. Visit his website at to learn more about selecting the best laptops and accessories to suit your needs.

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What is a UMPC?

What is the UMPC?

Has the thought of having a small mobile PC that doesn't weigh a ton, and can handle as much processing power as a computer ever appealed to you, well you and many other consumers certainly voiced strong opinions on this matter. The UMPC is the size of a paperback book, and is small and light enough to carry round with you all the time. The thing that really set the UMPC apart was the large clear screen which comes in sizes to 4-7 inches and is 100% touch screen, which means no more QWERTY Keyboards or other external keyboards needed to type onto the device. With the full screen on the UMPC you can enjoy media from your Windows Vista Desktop PC like it was meant to be enjoyed, you can create slide shows of your family holiday, and then play them back to anyone you meet when you are out and about. This can even be accompanied by music of your choosing, which really brings so much more to the viewing experience.

All UMPC devices come preloaded with a mobile version of Windows Vista, which means a user is going to enjoy a good experience and will be able to do so much more whilst on the move

They will be able to:

  • Stay in Touch at any location- Wherever you are connected to the internet, you are connected to the Ultra Mobile experience from the UMPC, you can browse the internet in full screen, browse RSS Feeds or send and receive email messages

  • Do More on the Go- With the great Windows Vista Experience being bought to the mobile environment you can use the Windows Vista programs such as Microsoft Office, Street Maps Games for Windows. It will seem like you have never been parted for your Windows Vista Desktop. With the touch functionality inbuilt to the UMPC, you can easily manipulate the programs without having to do a lot of work!

Related Links

Check out what industry analyst Rob Enderle had to say about the UMPC:

So what is the software behind the UMPC?

To really understand the key functionality behind the UMPC, you need to see this short demo at the link below to see how this fantastic technology works:

By Josh Chandler

If you enjoyed this article then be sure to check out the many resources Josh Chandler maintains on the internet.

You can visit his Windows Media Player Support Site at:

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Watch TV Series Online for Free

Where do I get to Watch Free TV Series Online

The internet has two main ways that you can watch TV from your computer. You will need to be connected to the internet to view most of these shows. One of the free ways to watch TV on the net is by login into the television websites available online.

There are hundreds of websites that offer absolutely free channels online. These act as portals with links to thousands on world stations. The websites have grouped the stations into several sections depending on the country of origin. When you open the home page, the website will have countries listed from where the site has stations from. Others go a step further and group the stations into the various languages that are used in broadcasting these channels.

Once you choose your country or language of choice you will be directed to a page which lists the stations available in that country or language. You can then click and watch shows from your selected area or language directly from the internet. The only biggest hurdle with free web service sites is that they get a lot of traffic demanding free services.

The result is that they are either too slow to log onto or they just keep on being interrupted midway a show due to the heavy traffic. In most cases you can't even be able to open any station in the first instance due to clogging. You will get an error message every time you try to access them.

The other way of getting to watch series, episodes and shows online is through downloading special software. The software is a combination of thousands of world channels into one easy to use package. These are mainly retailed online and upon payment of a start up membership, you are directed to a download page. You will download the software into your computer just like you would any operating software.

Once downloaded, you will need to click on the exec files to be able to have it installed into your computer. Upon installation, you can then open the software and watch global channels. The whole process takes anywhere from 2-5 minutes depending on your internet connection speeds.

In a similar way, the stations are grouped according to which country they are aired from. You can choose the country and you will get a list of hundreds of channels available. You can then proceed to open the station and watch your choice programs.

I'm currently using one of the most popular softwares that I bought for less than $50 for a lifetime membership. It came with over 3000 channels and 1000 radio stations.

It's a nice way to watch in privacy and catch on to some off the x rated TV series and shows without worrying about interruptions.

By Robert Kamau

You can use the same service I use to watch all TV Shows, TV Sports, News & Movies, Right Here!!or even better- join this membership to share files and download absolutely free movies, online TV shows, OVER HERE!!

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Best Registry Cleaner For Windows

The registry is a very sensitive and important component of the windows operating system which stores information related to the software,hardware and preferences on your pc. All computers will reach a point when they will become problematic and it is mostly the registry which is responsible for this.The reason being that it continuously changes when you remove, add or change the different software and hardware on your system and can only be safely repaired with a free registry cleaner tool due to its complex structures.I think most people are not aware of the importance of this information storage unit within their windows systems so lets discuss it in more depth.

As explained briefly above the registry stores data which changes every time you change settings or software on your computer.If this is done frequently it will result in a large build up of unwanted and outdated configuration keys from partially uninstalled programs and hardware which will basically cause windows to function poorly.The reason this happens is because windows needs to read the information in the registry to process startup applications and other drivers so if it contains errors then it will cause your system to crash, experience error messages and possibly even reboot on frequent occasions.Other symptoms include unused start menu items, internet explorer crashes and deleted shortcuts.

If you are experienced with computers then it is possible to edit the registry manually via the "regedit" command which can be executed from the start menu.It will allow you to modify,delete,rename and change permissions on selected keys in the right hand pane.So if you know where the problem is located then you can fix it but if you delete or change the incorrect entry you can crash your entire system.This is why using free registry cleaner software is advised in which it cleans and optimizes this database without hassles.

Reg Cure is my recommendation as the best free registry cleaner program which has continued to gain popularity as the number one pc repair tool on the internet today.If you would like to download a free version please visit the website below.

By Michael Sparks

Reg Cure Download

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Word About Wifi or Wifi Technology

WiFi is the other name for wireless internet or wireless network, this name is mostly used by none technical users who just knows how to access internet wirelessly, they know pretty much nothing beyond that. WiFi is basically short form for wireless fidelity. However many advance users are not well aware of this terminology either, it is ,more known with a name of Wifi. WiFi term is written in many ways which are, Wifi, WiFi, WIFI, Wi-Fi fiwi etc.

Wi-Fi was introduced by Wi-Fi alliance in 1985 it was the time when it was not used as commercially but were just set to certain organizations for testing purposes. Wi-Fi Alliance is pioneer in developing WiFi technology and all the hardware associated with Wifi is mostly certified by Wifi Alliance compliance. Wifi later developed properly and than eventually lunched for public use in USA in 90's, gradually wifi become standards for most of the computer communications in countless organizations around the world

Wifi uses all the networks referring to any type of 802.11 network standards which is set by IEEE. IEEE is short form of Institute of electric and electronic engineering. There are lots of enhancements made in standards of 802.11 and 802.11a, 802.11b and other dual networks. The latest standard of 802.11 family is 802.11y. Other known standards are 802.16, these are the standards for upcoming technology known to be WiMax. There is one more known set of standards for Ethernet it is known to be IEEE 802.3.

Growth of Wifi networks is still on going world wide this huge growth raises security issues. Wifi is the most widely used network world wide and many organizations transfer their sensitive data using Wireless networks. Increased use of Wireless network increases potentially risks of the security of the users or organization. Wireless network carries data of every type, that can be normal data in bits of information or it can encrypted or even highly sensitive. WiFi security mechanism insures the certain level of data integrity and confidentiality just as wired network provides. However if proper security measures are not adopted properly intruders can attack the network and can cause major damage to not only network but privacy of users also.

There was a time when cables were used to network many computers together. Hardware like routers, hubs, switches etc were required for communication between computers, but Wifi brought high tech change in communication of computers by providing wireless connectivity features. It just keeps things very simple without much hassle and networks can be made far more easily. No wires are required. Wireless network keeps environment very neat and clean. There are many other features of Wireless LANs for example high speed connectivity. Wifi provides high speed connectivity and faster communication where cables are not feasible to install for example in remote areas. The list of the Wifi features is long some other major features included Site survey, enterprise grade equipment, Scalable systems, VPN Compatibility, flexible authentication methods, Guest satisfaction, End user mobility and easy access through Hotspots.

WiFi supports two different types of modes; they are known to be infrastructure and the other one is ad hoc. In Ad hoc Wireless connections can be made without central device called router or access point. Most network administrators prefer ad hoc over infrastructure mode. Ad hoc how ever have issues also. Wifi devices connected using Ad hoc mode offers less security against unauthorized users. Ad hoc mode configured devices cannot disable SSID broadcast in contrast to infrastructure mode, this brings hackers into play, and using ad hoc mode it is not very difficult to prevail into the wireless network. There are two major differences between these two modes that is the rate at which they transfer data. Wife network standard 802.11g requires Ad hoc mode of communication to support 11Mbps bandwidth in contrast to it 54Mbps data transfer is supported using infrastructure mode. Hence Ad hoc mode is considered much slower than Infrastructure mode.

Wireless based networks are increasing every where; every organization is installing it if it was not using it before. Some cities have actually provided the entire city a wifi and turn the city into hotspot, big example in front of us is Chicago. Chicago have installed huge transmitter in shape of big size dish of Wifi which broadcast Wireless LAN radio signals through out the city. It provides high speed internet connectivity very cheaply. Laptops, desktop computers, PDAs and other Wireless LAN card installed devices can access the network and get high speed connectivity on move. WiFi users increasing day by day therefore its hardware manufacturers are manufacturing the products on huge scale. These products are easily available in market with reasonable cost. Laptops, PDAs, mother boards of latest desktop computer are mostly come with build in wireless LAN cards. If it is not installed already in your laptop one can buy PCMCI slot wifi card to install for accessing wireless network. Wifi PCI cards are also widely available in market. Now USB wifi are also available for short range but still works good.

Intelligent routers are available in market which works to connect different devices to wireless network. These routers can be configured with or without PC. All is required to plug internet cable in Ethernet or USB port to router's appropriate port. When internet is available to routers it can be configured using its control panel using IP That's where we can enable SSID broadcasting or disable it and perform other functions. PCs can also be attached to routers for more advance management which routers can not performs. PCs are mostly required to be used where network is huge and keeping and maintaining its integrity and stability is very important.

In this modern era every one wants every thing wireless, Wifi belongs to wireless technology family. There are so many other wireless technologies which have evolved around the time and Wifi is now taken for granted and world is now talking about much advanced and enhanced wireless network known to be WiMax. WiMax beats Wifi technology on many bases which includes Speed at which data rate is transferred, range with which connection is made and so much more. Now we have to see in how much time WiMax will take over WiFi, and which technology will eventually take over WiMax. One thing is for sure latest technologies in wireless technology will keep coming and will keep getting over looked by new ones.

By M. Aslam provides free information about Wifi and in-depth knowledge of Wi-Fi Technology.

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How To Choose The Best PDA

Looking for a good Pocket PC PDA phone but stumbled upon to choose which one over the vast models out there in the market or want to know how to choose the best PDA or Pocket PC Phone? Read on then..

PDA is an old term which was widely used for devices that had a touch screen and basic features of holding Contacts, Appointments, Notes and other simple data. Now Windows Mobile Devices have replaced them or at least most of them.

The history of Windows Mobile begins with Windows Mobile 2002 editions and then came 2003 editions with built-in phone capabilities. On the onset of Windows Mobile 5, Microsoft had introduced whole lot of power and features to the devices. And the competing market bought out varitey of devices with ultimate features to keep you connected always. Recently Windows Mobile 6 has been introduced with a little bit of extra eye candy and improved security and other features too.

Hope you've got an overview of the Windows Mobile devices. Now if you plan to go for a Windows Mobile Pocket PC, make sure you opt for Windows Mobile 6 device. Most Windows Mobile 5 devices have official or un-official upgrades to Windows Mobile 6 edition. So in case if you're buying an old Pocket PC, make sure an upgrade is available over the internet. In case if you require assistance, our Exper's Help section is always open for your request.

Which version to go for?

Windows Mobile 6 devices are of three varieties. A Classic version without phone capabilities. Never opt for this. There is a Standard version without a touch screen but with a phone capability, commonly refered to as a smartphone. Smartphones are close to Pocket PC devices and the lack of touch screen will limit your flexibility and possibilities. Go for this only if you cant be without a number keypad just in case if you give priority for calls and need Email and othe Office outlook support. There is a Profesional version which has a touch screen and commmonly refered as a Pocket PC. This is the most powered device. Even some Pocket PC devices come with a qwerty keyboard or normal number keypad. If you need complete flexibilty of having the power close to a Desktop PC in hand, then Windows Mobile 6 Professional device will be your right choice! They are not expensive as well!

Decided the version. Then?

Classic and Standard version are basically for beginners and they don't have much varities over there or at least, they don't vary much as a Pocket PC. So we are going to focus on choosing a best Pocket PC over here!

Microsoft says there are over 60 different manufacturers or companies making and selling Windows Mobile devices. The top ones who fly in the market are HTC, O2, iMate, Eten, Asus, HP and some more.. Dell was here quite a while ago but they have dropped their plans for manufacturing future devices. HTC - High Tech Computer Corporation is steady in the market by releasing new models every year more than once! Their devices are re-branded and sold in various hybrid names by other companies and carriers/mobile operators as well. So it is really a tough time to choose the best Pocket PC for you.

To narow the choice, you need to first focus on your need! A business user or a fancy life style user or a rugged user. Rugged Pocket PC devices are too heavy and ruggedised really. These rugged Pocket PCs are mainly for those who go on trekking and high-terrains and also in some industries. These Pocket PCs will not be your choice as the Industrial management will decide their choice. So leave them out and come to the normal ones. Some devices have a very pleasing look while others are more suited for the business class.

QWERTY or not?

QWERTY keybpard is a slide-out keyboard with all buttons of a basic keyboard aligned tightly! When you slide-out the keyboard, the device can be tilted to horizontal or landscape orientation. This is very useful if you type a lot for the sms or text documents mainly. Various third-party virtual keyboards are available in the market and so you can really manage or get used to it rather than having a qwerty keyboarded Pocket PC. So if you need it, the choice of device is further narrowed down.

Size and Dimensions

Different Pocket PCs are made with different dimension aspects. Some with curvy edges and others with smooth and sharp edges too. So as per your taste, narrow down the choices further.

Screen Size

Just two! VGA and qVGA. VGA Pocket PC will have a resolution of 640x480 and so provide much screen clearity than the qVGA or quater VGA Pocket PC which has only 240x320 resolution. But the VGA Pocket PC is usually a slight bigger and heavy than the qVGA. Very few Pocket PC, like the ones made by Eten offer a VGA resolution on a smaller screen size! So choosing for a VGA or qVGA should narrow your choices further down!

Camera a must?

Since Nokia or some other company introduced the Camera in a Mobile device for marketing, there is a good race between them ending up in having a digital camera with phone rather than phone with camera! Yes, the normal phones are now coming up with real high Mega Pixels of Camera. But the race has not started yet in Windows Mobile Pocket PC devices. They come with a standard 1.9 or 2 Megapixel with a little more than poor picture quality. So if you need a very good camera, carry a digital camera in your Pocket along with a Pocket PC or go for a normal phone itself!

Processors, RAM matter?

Very few variations are here, Intel PXA, Texas Instruments OMAP, and few. Intel PXA with 416 Mhz works the same speed of 200 Mhz OMAP. Really there wont be much noticable difference here. Instead, if there is a device with much higher RAM memory, go for it. At least they help you running many applications than others!

Connectivity issues!

Well.. WiFi, Bluetooh 2.0, Tri/Quad Band GSM has become a basic feature of a Pocket PC. Anyway it is better to verify if the final narrowed down choices of Pocket PC has them. Additionally 3G, HSDPA, UMTS are recent advancements allowing better speeds in browsing and downloads but for a quite high price. So wisely make your option if you need them really!

So by now we guess have covered almost the important criteria by which the right Pocket PC for you can be chosen. Any thoughts or suggestion on this guide is welcomed.

This article is written by NiCK Carty from For PocketPC softwares, news and reviews, please visit

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The Choice of Buying a Laptop

The choice of buying a laptop is a complicated process and many a times it is very confusing to make a correct decision. In order to make it simple and easy it is important to know the reason behind buying a laptop. As the reason for buying differs, the choice for a particular laptop will vary. If you know why are you buying, it is easy to make a selection as choice depends on purpose. A laptop intended for an office use has absolutely different purpose of use from the one intended for gaming. Here are some of the reasons that you may be buying a laptop and which may determine your choice.

Office Use.

Laptops are increasingly used for office purpose. Processor speeds, RAM, graphic quality, keyboard comfort etc are some of the very basic but most important requirements for using a laptop in office.


These are laptops, which are mainly or only used for gaming or more precisely entertainment purposes. If playing game, watching movies or music etc is the main purpose behind buying, then a gaming laptop is the best option.

Mobile Use:

If a laptop is intended to be used while mostly on the move, then dimensions, weight, comfort and battery life are to be given special attention. Normally smaller in size, the better it is. Don't forget that the saying "small is beautiful".


The choice of general-purpose laptops is mainly determined by price. However, other features cannot be ignored. As a general-purpose laptop may be used for a variety of uses, it is important to make sure that a variety of features are available.

It is a very good idea to always define your purpose of buying before jumping to research the laptop market. It will not only save buyers time and money, but also make the right decision for the right product.

By Q Khan

To see the world's largest laptop store please visit

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