Sunday, March 22, 2009

Vista Computer Freezing - Windows Vista Keeps Freezing, How Do I Fix It?

Tired of your Vista computer freezing? Want to know how to fix Vista freezing problems? Well you have come to the right place. Computer freezing can be a real pest to deal with. Especially if you had been working on an important document, playing a game, or had saved information you needed. Sometimes whatever you were working on can be lost forever. And this can happen at random times, often completely out of the blue. When Windows Vista keeps freezing you may get the following symptoms:

• Vista completely freezes, not allowing you to do anything. This forces you to have to manually restart your system, causing further damage due to improperly shutting down your computer.

• Windows Vista locks up and shows a blue screen of death. This causes the system to reboot, performing a physical memory dump.

• Whatever program you are using stops working while the mouse seems frozen on the hour glass symbol. This forces you to hit alt/control/delete to fix it.

The #1 cause of Vista computer freezing is running too many programs at once. If this problems occurs when having too many things open then there are really only 2 solutions. Do not run so many programs or purchase additional RAM to meet specific requirements.

If Windows Vista keeps freezing and the problem is not running too many programs, then the issue lies in the registry. The Windows Vista registry controls information to run all software programs and hardware devices.

Often times the registry becomes congested with corrupt files and errors which inhibits your computers ability to communicate effectively. When your system cannot communicate it freezes up.

The only way to fix Vista freezing in this case is to scan your computer for registry errors. I recommend download top flight software that can automate the process for you. This way you will not only stop Vista computer freezing, but also prevent it from happening in the future.

By Jim Marshall

Sick of your computer freezing up? Want to repair computer errors the easy way? Scan your computer for free and fix corrupt registry problems with the #1 registry cleaner on the internet. After scanning your computer, I promise you will be quite surprised by all the errors on your system

Jim Marshall is a computer technician expert with over 15 years in the industry. He has an intimate knowledge of the windows registry and various register repair software. After testing some of the top registry cleaners on the market, he has created a comprehensive review site that details his findings

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Best Remote Access Software

Let me tell you my own story that led me to do my own search for the best remote access software out there. About three years ago my wife gave birth to our second child. I work from home, and the only extra room in the house happened to be my home office.

So as you can probably guess, the new baby kind of took over my office space, and by extension, also took over my main desktop computer. Now normally this would not have been a problem, since we also have two laptops in the house. But what happened was is I basically found that it was becoming more and more of a waste of time to have to keep transferring files back and forth between the two computers.

What I needed, at least until we worked out a solution that would let my new son get the sleep he needed while still giving me access to my computer during the evening, was a way to access the main computer even when I couldn't necessarily access my office.

Enter remote access software. I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical that it would even work at first. You know how things are with computers -- there's ALWAYS something that gets screwed up and requires some calls to a support line. (And if you're lucky, whoever is on the other end of the line will actually speak the same language as you.)

So it was with that in mind that I downloaded and installed some of the remote access packages that I found online. I'll get to the ones that I think are the absolute best in the second, but first I just wanted to give you an idea of how these things work.

So, like I said, here I was all ready to be completely frustrated because this plug-in or that update or the other pre-requisite software wasn't installed properly and the installation of my remote access software wasn't going to work as it should.

I could not have been more wrong. I am not kidding when I tell you that this was one of the first times I had ever truly been blown away by what a piece of software could do.

I would say it took probably about 10 minutes before I was completely set up, logged in, and -- I am NOT kidding you -- controlling my desktop computer from my laptop. Now, I want to be clear about this -- I'm not talking about "sort of" or "virtually" being able to get to files on my main computer. I'm talking about literally controlling that computer, and everything about it, remotely.

I'm pretty lucky because, as I said, I do get to work from home, so in a true emergency if I really ever needed to get back into my office to get to my computer I certainly could (my son would have just had to miss a few minutes of sleep that night). But for people who don't have it as good as I do -- who live 15 minutes or half an hour or a full hour away from their office -- I can see how this kind of program could be an absolute lifesaver. Not to mention a relationship saver if your significant other doesn't like your workaholic tendencies.

All in all I do have to say that remote access software in general is some of the most impressive stuff I've come across in recent years (the other being voice-recognition dictation software -- but that's for another article; you wouldn't believe this stuff!) and it definitely does work as advertised, as long as you get a quality package.

By Harry J. Andersohn

I tried out a bunch of remote access software and narrowed the list of programs you should try down to only two. And here's the best part -- you can get the one I think is the absolute best for free. Go right here now: Best Remote Access Software to watch my video review of the package I recommend (and to get the link where you can download it for free.)

There's also this video I found on YouTube that also covers the Best Remote Access Software

Hope this helps and good luck as always!

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Accessing Your Data Remotely

Remote access: The ability to log onto a network from a distant location. Generally, this implies a computer, a modem, and some remote access software to connect to the network.

We live in and increasingly mobile society. We travel more for work, personal pleasure and in some cases we even have jobs where we are expected to work from home. Obviously there are heaps of advantages to this kind of mobile lifestyle, but there are also some challenges. The challenge we want to discuss here is maintaining consistent, secure access to your information.

There are a few ways that you can get access to information from remote servers and personal computers. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages. What we all want to accomplish is access to information where and when we need it. Here are some ways you can get access to your information remotely;

· Put the information into your own website that has a secure log-in

· Get access through a VPN (virtual private network) on the Internet

· Get some Remote access software that hooks you up to your personal PC

· Use remote control software for managing a PC from another PC

· Keep your data on a secure third party server

There are pro's and con's to all of the different methods above. Here are some of the considerations;

· Is your data secure?

· Is the software you are using to get to your data quick to install on a remote PC?

· Is the PC where the data is stored always hooked to the internet?

· Does your PC have firewall protection to prevent unwanted access?

· Is your PC always powered up and ready to go?

· Does anyone else have access to your PC that could turn it off and cause you to loose access?

· Is your PC or server reliable and always working?

· Is there someone available to reboot your PC or server if it goes down?

· Do you know how to set up and maintain your own VPN?

The above information is not meant to be comprehensive, but rather to give you an idea of some of the issues you face when trying to maintain reliable remote access to your information. As you can see there are a variety of problems that can occur. The biggest single issue is the availability and condition of the PC that stores the data. The challenge is to find a method that assures your access to your information, no matter what!

Lots of things can cause your PC to be offline. Your PC may crash and no one is there to re-boot it. Your internet access could go down and you have no way to get the link going again remotely. Someone with physical access to your PC could interfere with it and then not be available to fix it. You could make administrator changes to your PC that could cause your remote access to fail. You can probably add to this list without too much trouble.

There are lots of reasons for needing to have mobile access to information. The key thing is that when you need it, you need it. You really want to be able to rely on your information being at your fingertips. If you need to do a presentation and your presentation is not available it can be devastating. If you are working to a deadline and you can't get access to critical documents or data, what do you do?

What makes telecommuting and mobile work possible is secure, reliable and efficient access to the people you work with and the data you require to do your job. If your access is sporadic, then your results are as well, aren't they? So how do you assure access and avoid problems?

An ideal solution is to store your information on a hosted, secure, robust server that is looked after by professionals that are operating from a business strength facility with redundant services and 24 hour care. In this scenario there are many added advantages;

· Your data is always online

· Data is consistently and frequently backed-up.

· You are using a powerful business strength server

· You don't need your own servers, firewalls, etc.

· The links to the Internet are normally redundant and therefore seldom down.

· You are not as reliant on technical people.

· You don't face resource problems from lack of disk space or processing power.

· Such facilities generally have good virus protection.

· Normally you can get a copy of your data back-up at any time.

· The facility is typically 'on the fly' scalable to your requirements.

· The cost and risk is generally much less than buying and operating your own infrastructure.

Particularly where a small organization or an individual is involved, the simplest solution is always the best. Why take on the risk of operating your own facilities when you can easily outsource the service for less money and far less hassle? It leaves you time to do what you do best!

By Ron Hughes

Ron Hughes is CEO of Adapt Information Technology, one of the longest standing Internet businesses in the world. He is also a public and seminar speaker and frequent contributor of articles on business subjects. In addition, Ron is a founder and director of Ozecover (, a free public service that allows the Australian public to compare every health insurance company and product to assure the best health cover for themselves and their families

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How to Manually Remove the Vundo Trojan ?

Vundo Description:

Vundo is a widely-spread trojan that shows large amount of unsolicited pop-up advertisements. The spyware also silently downloads from the Internet and runs arbitrary potentially harmful files, mostly adware components. Vundo is distributed by e-mail in messages containing links to insecure web sites, which exploit certain security vulnerabilities of the Internet Explorer web browser. Once the user clicks on such a link, Internet Explorer opens a dangerous site that automatically installs the trojan into the computer without user knowledge and consent. Vundo is responsible for the severe decrease of the amount of computer virtual memory available. This results in noticeable PC performance slowdowns. Vundo secretly runs on every Windows startup.

Vundo Manual Removal Instructions:

Step 1 : Use Windows File Search Tool to Find Vundo Path

1. Go to Start > Search > All Files or Folders.

2. In the "All or part of the the file name" section, type in "Vundo" file name(s).

3. To get better results, select "Look in: Local Hard Drives" or "Look in: My Computer" and then click "Search" button.

4. When Windows finishes your search, hover over the "In Folder" of "Vundo", highlight the file and copy/paste the path into the address bar. Save the file's path on your clipboard because you'll need the file path to delete Vundo in the following manual removal steps.

Step 2 : Use Registry Editor to Remove Vundo Registry Values

1. To open the Registry Editor, go to Start > Run > type regedit and then press the "OK" button.

2. Locate and delete the entry or entries whose data value (in the rightmost column) is the spyware file(s) detected earlier.

3. To delete "Vundo" value, right-click on it and select the "Delete" option.

4. Locate and delete "Vundo" registry entries:

* HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternetExplorerMainActiveState 02F96FB7-8AF6-439B-B7BA-2F952F9E4800


* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesATLEvents.ATLEvents 8109AF33-6949-4833-8881-43DCC232B7B2 2316230A-C89C-4BCC-95C2-66659AC7A775

* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunOnce*[filename]

* HKEY_CURRENT_USER SoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainActive State

* HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunOnce*WinLogon

* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows CurrentVersionExplorerBrowser Helper Objects{8109AF33-6949-4833-8881-43DCC232B7B2}

* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows CurrentVersionExplorerBrowser Helper Objects{2316230A-C89C-4BCC-95C2-66659AC7A775}

* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows CurrentVersionExplorerBrowser Helper Objects{02F96FB7-8AF6-439B-B7BA-2F952F9E4800}




* HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID{8109AF33-6949-4833-8881-43DCC232B7B2}

* HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID{2316230A-C89C-4BCC-95C2-66659AC7A775}

* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SoftwareMicrosoftWindows CurrentVersionRunOnce*[filename]

* HKEY_CURRENT_USER SoftwareMicrosoftWindows CurrentVersionRunOnce*WinLogon

Step 3 : Use Windows Command Prompt to Unregister Vundo DLL Files

1. To open the Windows Command Prompt, go to Start > Run > type cmd and then click the "OK" button.

2. Type "cd" in order to change the current directory, press the "space" button, enter the full path to where you believe the Vundo DLL file is located and press the "Enter" button on your keyboard. If you don't know where Vundo DLL file is located, use the "dir" command to display the directory's contents.

3. To unregister "Vundo" DLL file, type in the exact directory path + "regsvr32 /u" + [DLL_NAME] (for example, :CSpyware-folder> regsvr32 /u Vundo.dll) and press the "Enter" button. A message will pop up that says you successfully unregistered the file.

4. Search and unregister "Vundo" DLL files: vzbb.dll

Step 4 : Detect and Delete Other Vundo Files

1. To open the Windows Command Prompt, go to Start > Run > type cmd and then press the "OK" button.

2. Type in "dir /A name_of_the_folder" (for example, C:Spyware-folder), which will display the folder's content even the hidden files.

3. To change directory, type in "cd name_of_the_folder".

4. Once you have the file you're looking for type in "del name_of_the_file".

5. To delete a file in folder, type in "del name_of_the_file".

6. To delete the entire folder, type in "rmdir /S name_of_the_folder".

7. Select the "Vundo" process and click on the "End Process" button to kill it.

8. Remove the "Vundo" processes files: vzbb.dll

more... at Computer Virus Remover

By Alena Jane

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Various Types of Apple iPod

If there is one thing Apple is known for, it is constant product releases. Each of their products has several different sub-types, and the iPod is a prime example of this practice. The various types of Apple iPod can be hard to keep straight for someone who doesn't read multiple technical blogs every single day. Let's take a look at some of the different types in more detail.

The iPod Touch

This is Apple's latest version of the iPod, and it is basically the iPhone without the cellular and camera capabilities. It also comes with more memory standard than the iPhone, with 8GB, 16GB and 32GB models to choose from. Going beyond the capabilities of a normal MP3 player, the iPod touch has full internet access through its wi-fi connection, a completely touchscreen interface, and allows you to play games, movies, and TV shows as well as listen to MP3's.

The iPod Classic

Of the various types of Apple iPod, this is perhaps the most recognizable. This is the signature style that has been around for years. The features are nowhere near those of the iPod touch, but for what it lacks in "wow factor", it makes up for with storage. Up to 120GB of songs, audio books, pictures, movies, and music videos can be stored right on its hard drive.

The iPod Nano

This slim MP3 player is called the Nano for a reason. It weighs around an ounce and a half, and is only 1/4 inch thick and 1 1/2 inches wide. It doesn't have near the memory of the classic iPod, but its small form factor makes up for it.

The iPod Shuffle

The iPod Shuffle is by far the most inexpensive of all the options. It doesn't offer a ton of storage or a flashy screen, but it is a small, practical MP3 player that can suite the basic user's needs just fine.

By Victor Thomas

Read iPod Nano Reviews, shuffle, Classic, iPod Touch Reviews from some exclusvie website for Apple iPod products. You can read reviews, compare cheapest prices

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Audio Tape Transfer - How to Transfer Cassette Tapes to Computer, CD and MP3 Using Audacity

To transfer a cassette tape to computer you will need the following:

  • Working Cassette Deck

  • Cable to connect the cassette deck to your computer

  • Computer with a sound card

  • Software application that lets you record stereo audio

The most important factor in a good transfer is the quality of the analogue playback machine, i.e. the tape deck you're using. Try to find or use the best quality and best sounding one to your ears that you can. If you have or can borrow a 3 head machine especially a Nakamichi and it's working well that should give you excellent sound on playback. It's a good idea to clean the heads, capstans and pinch rollers with isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and a q-tip.

They often become dirty with tape oxide that can muffle the high frequencies and give you a dull sounding recording. Gently rub the heads with the wetted cotton bud until no more brown gunk comes off. Most computers and laptops have sound cards with 3.5mm, minijack connectors on them.

If you have a more specialised sound card it may have larger 1/4" jacks or even XLR connectors but you probably won't need this article if you have one of those! You will need a cable with two phono connectors at one end, for the tape deck, and a single 3.5mm mini stereo jack and the other. These cables can be bought very cheaply and are often used to connect media players to stereos. Plug you cable in and get ready to record! There is a wealth of recording software for Windows, Macintosh and GNU/Linux to choose from, some of it expensive, some cheap and some free!

We're going to use the free software, which is actually very good. Point your web browser to the Audacity website and download and install the version suitable for your operating system. Once you've got Audacity installed and working you'll need to check in the Preferences Audio I/O menu that you have the correct playback and recording inputs selected. If that's ok then press the big round, red record button and then start your tape running. If you see the meters moving up and down and a waveform being drawn across the screen, well done it's recording your tape! It might be a good idea though to stop and check it sounds ok as very low or very loud recordings will not sound good. You will need to be very careful of what's called clipping. Digital recorders can't record 'into the red' like your old tape deck could.

Once they go over 0dB you'll get clipping. This sounds terrible so it's best to check your levels and give yourself a bit of breathing space and record lower. This breathing space is called headroom. If the recording has gone ok, it's safest to save the file first before you do anything to it, using the File Save As menu. Now you can play it back, edit it, burn it to a CD or convert it to an OGG or MP3 file for your media player. If you've any large gaps at the beginning or end, it's a good idea to trim these. Just use the 'I' beam tool and select the flat looking bits of waveform at the start and end of your recording, then press backspace just like you would to delete a word or paragraph in a wordprocessor.

If your recording is over 80 minutes and is destined for a CD you will have to split the file by cutting the section for side 2 maybe and pasting this into a new stereo Audacity document as 80 minutes is the most you can burn on a CD. If you want a CD with track points you will need to create 'markers' in Audacity speak at each gap between tracks. If your recording has neat gaps between the tracks then it's pretty easy as your can use Audacity's Find Silence command which will place a marker at every point in the file that the volume falls to a certain level for a certain length of time. This may need a bit of trial and error to get right but it's worth persevering as it saves much time over the manual method of listening to the whole recording an inserting markers at the point between songs or tracks. If everything's fine, you're almost there.

The last stage before putting your recording on CD or converting it to a compressed format for your media player is to Normalize the file. This looks at the whole file, finds the loudest section and then increased the volume of everything in proportion until the loudest part is just as loud as it can be before it clips. I usually Normalize to 98% or -0.3 dB. Now it's time to make a CD or file. From the File Export menu choose the type of destination file you need. For CD choose, WAV, AIFF and for your media player choose Ogg Vorbis, FLAC or MP3. Now sit back and let it create the final file.. If you have created markers for track points in your CD, you'll need to use the File Export Multiple command which will export each track as a separate file. If you need to make a CD use the WAV file or files in your favourite CD burning application and it should burn one perfectly and you can sit and listen to your recording safe in the knowledge you can make as many digital copies now and play it back forever with no fear of the tape wearing out or getting 'chewed'!Auda

By Adrian Finn

Adrian Finn is the founder and proprietor of greatbear, a UK business that specialises in helping individuals and organisations adapt and make the best use of the Digital Age. This includes web design and development, computer support and audio and video transfer services to CD and DVD

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7 Ways to Speed Up Windows Vista

There are many ways to speed up Windows Vista. Some methods are more straight forward than the other and some will help you see huge improvements to the performance of Windows while others offer less noticeable results. Here we will look at 7 most effective ways to speed up Windows Vista from my personal experience.

Turn off unnecessary Windows features.

By default, Vista comes with tons of features that are enabled based on assumptions which may or may not apply to you. Hence you get a system that is running lots of background processes, most of which you do not need at all. So one of the great ways to speed up Windows Vista is to disable them. To see the list of Windows features and turn them on or off, go to Control Panel, change to "Classic View", click on "Program Features" and then select "Turn Windows Features On And Off". Some examples of features you may want to disable are:

- Remote Differential Compression

- Windows Meeting Space

- Tablet PC optional components

- And so on.

Graphical features.

One of the better ways to speed up Windows Vista is to turn off fanciful graphical features if you are not too much into aesthetics. One example is the Aero feature. Open your start menu, go to run, and type in 'systempropertiesperformance'. At the Visual Effects tab, uncheck 'Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing'. This will do the job. There are many graphical features that you can take out from here. This can give you more immediate results as compared to other ways to speed up Windows Vista.

Turn off Windows Indexing.

The Windows Indexing service was initially designed to be one of the ways to speed up Windows Vista by shortening the search time for files. However, as the volume of hard disk increases exponentially, the service has proven to be a resource intensive program causing massive slowdowns when Windows start to index the millions of files in the system. Select Start then choose Computer, right click on your C Drive and select properties. Under the General Tab, uncheck "Index this drive for faster searching". On the next dialog box, choose "Include subfolders and files". Do the same for the other Drives.

Remove Spyware and Trojans and protect your system against future attacks.

Out of the many ways to speed up Windows Vista, this has to be one of the most crucial things you need to do. This is because not only your system performance is at stake, the security and confidentiality of your data is too. Use free tools such as Avast for anti-virus protection, Spybot for spyware removal and protection as well as Zonealarm for firewall protection. There are other good tools around but make sure they are not spywares themselves!

Remove unnecessary start up programs.

When Vista boots up, many programs run at the start up either in the background or as pop up Windows. Many of these you do not need. You need to take control and eliminate these memory suckers that are lurking in the background. Open your start menu, go to run, and type in 'msconfig', choose the Startup tab and uncheck any items that you do not want to auto-load and click OK.

Defrag your hard disk.

This may not be new to you but if you are thinking of using the Windows Defragmentation Tool in Vista, you can forget about it. Instead, use a free 3rd party tool known as Defraggler (Google it for the download link). It is still quite effective in comparison to other ways to speed up Windows Vista.

Clean your registry.

One of the often neglected portions of Windows is the registry itself. Many do not realized that one of the best ways to speed up Windows Vista is to make sure the registry is clear of invalid entries that causes Windows to perform unnecessary tasks. Cleaning the registry has other advantages too. In certain cases you can remove Windows errors that pop up during boot up.

George Tho is an IT support specialist. One of the best ways to speed up Windows Vista is using registry cleaners. Read his review on the top 3 Registry Cleaners that come with free scanning features to help you improve your system's performance and remove errors.

By George Tho

Author's review website on clickbank products:
Disclaimer: The content of this article is provided for the purpose of education and illustration only. This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction

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Basic Configuration Tutorial For the Cisco ASA 5510 Firewall

Continuing our series of articles about Cisco ASA 5500 firewalls, I'm offering you here a basic configuration tutorial for the Cisco ASA 5510 security appliance. This device is the second model in the ASA series (ASA 5505, 5510, 5520 etc) and is fairly popular since is intended for small to medium enterprises. Like the smallest ASA 5505 model, the 5510 comes with two license options: The Base license and the Security Plus license. The second one (security plus) provides some performance and hardware enhancements over the base license, such as 130,000 Maximum firewall connections (instead of 50,000), 100 Maximum VLANs (instead of 50), Failover Redundancy, etc. Also, the security plus license enables two of the five firewall network ports to work as 10/100/1000 instead of only 10/100.

Next we will see a simple Internet Access scenario which will help us understand the basic steps needed to setup an ASA 5510. Assume that we are assigned a static public IP address from our ISP. Also, the internal LAN network belongs to subnet Interface Ethernet0/0 will be connected on the outside (towards the ISP), and Ethernet0/1 will be connected to the Inside LAN switch.

The firewall will be configured to supply IP addresses dynamically (using DHCP) to the internal hosts. All outbound communication (from inside to outside) will be translated using Port Address Translation (PAT) on the outside public interface. Let's see a snippet of the required configuration steps for this basic scenario:

Step1: Configure a privileged level password (enable password)

By default there is no password for accessing the ASA firewall, so the first step before doing anything else is to configure a privileged level password, which will be needed to allow subsequent access to the appliance. Configure this under Configuration Mode:

ASA5510(config)# enable password mysecretpassword

Step2: Configure the public outside interface

ASA5510(config)# interface Ethernet0/0

ASA5510(config-if)# nameif outside

ASA5510(config-if)# security-level 0

ASA5510(config-if)# ip address

ASA5510(config-if)# no shut

Step3: Configure the trusted internal interface

ASA5510(config)# interface Ethernet0/1

ASA5510(config-if)# nameif inside

ASA5510(config-if)# security-level 100

ASA5510(config-if)# ip address

ASA5510(config-if)# no shut

Step 4: Configure PAT on the outside interface

ASA5510(config)# global (outside) 1 interface

ASA5510(config)# nat (inside) 1

Step 5: Configure Default Route towards the ISP (assume default gateway is

ASA5510(config)# route outside 1

Step 6: Configure the firewall to assign internal IP and DNS address to hosts using DHCP

ASA5510(config)# dhcpd dns

ASA5510(config)# dhcpd address inside

ASA5510(config)# dhcpd enable inside

The above basic configuration is just the beginning for making the appliance operational. There are many more configuration features that you need to implement to increase the security of your network, such as Static and Dynamic NAT, Access Control Lists to control traffic flow, DMZ zones, VPN etc.

Visit my website in my resource box below for more information about Cisco products and solutions. You can also learn how to configure any Cisco ASA 5500 Firewall Here (applicable for ALL ASA models running software versions 7.x and 8.x).

By Harris Andrea

You can check out my website for more Cisco configuration examples and other related details about designing and implementing Cisco solutions: Cisco Tips and Tutorials

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Windows XP Registry Power Policies - How to Manipulate Power Policies in Windows XP Registry

Want to manipulate your PC or laptop's power policies using Windows XP registry? The steps are simple and enable you to quickly modify the power policy of your PC or laptop with a double click. Of course you need to know what you are doing to your registry which is what this article is about.

Before we go on to talk about modifying Windows XP registry power policies, please note that you need to make sure that the power schemes are set according your preferences. To do so, right click on your desktop and click on "Properties". Go to the "Screen Saver" tab and click on "Power" button. Then you can start to modify the power schemes to suit your preference. The steps are particular to XP but Vista should have similar interface though I am not absolutely sure. After you have done so, then you can now choose which power scheme you want using Windows XP registry power policies setting which is much faster than going through the steps above. You just need to prepare one registry file for each scheme and double click on the one you want to set subsequently. It is fast and convenient.

I mentioned that in order to modify Windows XP registry power policies, you need one registry file for each scheme. There are 6 power schemes in XP so you will need 6 registry files. Launch notepad and paste the following content removing texts in brackets:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
(blank line)
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/PowerCfg] (replace the forward slashes with black slashes)

And then save the file as "scheme1.reg". You can choose any name you want but the file must have the extension .reg. You should have noticed that the "CurrentPowerPolicy" is set to 0 which refers to scheme 1 which is "Home/Office Desk" scheme in XP. You can now proceed to create 5 more registry files for the rest of the schemes.

What you need to do to apply the Windows XP registry power policies setting is simply to double click on the registry file that you want to set the scheme for. When prompted on whether you are sure you want to add the information to the registry, just click Yes. If you see any error, chances are you have not created the registry file properly. Make sure there is no space before or on top of the sentence "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" and make sure you replaced the forward slashes with back slashes. Manipulating Windows XP registry power policies will be a breeze from now on.

George Tho is an IT support specialist. Read his review on the top 3 Registry Cleaners that come with free scanning features for you to improve performance of Windows on your system and remove errors caused by registry.

By George Tho

Author's review website on Clickbank products:

Disclaimer: The content of this article is provided for the purpose of education and illustration only. This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction

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Windows Background Wallpaper Registry Settings - Tweak Windows Background Wallpaper With Registry

Windows background wallpaper registry settings enables users not just to change the wallpaper itself but users can also choose to restrict or allow the change of wallpapers. Such a feature may be applicable for companies who do not want their employees or public users to modify the wallpaper of their desktop PCs or laptops. On the other hand, if you find that you are not able to change the wallpaper of your personal computer, you may want to look at the registry settings to see if the change of wallpaper has been restricted and thus undo it. Let's look at how to modify Windows background wallpaper registry settings.

Let's look at how you can restrict or enable the change wallpaper feature. You will need to prepare a registry file with the following content:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
(blank line)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/policies/ActiveDesktop] (please replace the forward slashes with backslash)

Save the file as "XXXX.reg" and double click on it. Select Yes when prompted and the Windows background wallpaper registry setting should have been applied. However, if your PC is affected by a group policy which may be the case for company desktops, then this method may not work.

If you would like to change the wallpaper using registry, go to Start --> Run and type in regedit. Go to folder HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop and look for Wallpaper, double click on it and change the path to point to your desired wallpaper.

If the above steps to tweak Windows background wallpaper registry settings are just too much hassle for you, you can download a free tool known as Tweak UI (Just do a search on Google). This freeware not only allow you to play with Windows background wallpaper registry settings, but also other aspect of Windows UI such as the taskbar. Users of slower computers can use it to improve performance of Windows by turning off fanciful graphical features on the operating system.

George Tho is an IT support specialist. Read his review on the top 3 Registry Cleaners that come with free scanning features for you to improve performance of Windows on your system and remove errors caused by registry.

By George Tho

Author's review website on Clickbank products:

Disclaimer: The content of this article is provided for the purpose of education and illustration only. This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction

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How to Buy a Computer the Smart Way

Most of the people buy a computer to navigate on the Internet. They also use it to send a receive emails. Occasionally the computer is being used for working on text documents or other types of documents. Today even the worst computer may do this with no problems. And this at very low costs. If this is your case too, you need a computer with no special features. It will surely help you with everything you need.

But maybe your requests are higher. Maybe you need to edit images. Or access a data base, perform table calculus. Many of us will often play computer games. If you want to be able to play the latest games you should consider a last generation computer. Even if the technology advances in a great rhythm, buying a top computer will save you money in the future. This is because it will face the software requirements of the future with no problems. The most active segments on the computer market is the gaming PC segment and computers designed specifically or games.

The gamers spend hundreds of dollars on the latest graphics boards and processors. From Dual Core to Quad Core, performances keep increasing. Playing computer games is more than a hobby or a passion for the people who have too much money. It's a billions of dollars industry.

In the end, there is one simple advice on how to buy a computer. The sellers will try to sell you components that you will never need as a simple user. As a person who doesn't play that much on the computer but just uses it for its functionality, the cheapest computer will do everything you need at the speed you need. So just buy the computer that satisfies your minimal requirements. And don't let yourself fooled in buying components or performances you don't need.

By Sturat Mitchel

Sturat enjoys writing articles on topics like How to buy a computer and How to start in safe mode. For more information you can visit us

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My Computer Keeps Crashing - Has This Happened to You?

If you are asking the question "Why does my computer keep crashing?" then you are probably having problems with your computer registry and it's now time to take these problems seriously. If you just ignore them, then the crashes will get more frequent and in addition, you will probably also have dll error messages appearing, the dreaded blue screen and a slow running computer performance which will keep getting worse. All in all, not good for the stress levels.

Most computer users are very much unaware of the importance of the computer registry until the problems mentioned start to arise. The registry stores essential data relating to the optimum performance of the applications and programs that you have stored on your system. When the computer is brand new and just out of the box, the system will be running at optimum performance.

However over time, the registry gets overloaded as new programs and applications are added. Conflicts will start to occur with new and existing programs and as a result files become corrupted. Then the problems start to occur.

You could fix the registry yourself by using the reg edit application on your computer. However, unless you are completely sure of what you are doing, I strongly advise against this option. My reason for this, is that if you delete a wrong file you can completely damage or disabled your computer system.

The best and safest option to fix the problem is to run a free scan of your computer registry. The generated report will let you view the corrupted files. This will give you confidence in the software which is simple to use. The companies that own the top registry cleaners state that a top performing computer is only a few mouse clicks away.

So click on the link below for your free scan to cure the problem of your computer crashing. With a money back guarantee, great support and a program that is simple to use, what have you got to lose, except the stress that you are feeling now.

By Michael J Brooks

Michael J Brooks

Run a FREE Registry Scan Repair Now To Fix Your Computer by visiting:

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How to Start Windows in Safe Mode

To use one of the safe mode options just follow these simple steps:

1. Restart your computer.
2. Press the F8 button on your keyboard. On a computer configured with several operating systems F8 may be pressed whenever the Boot Menu is being displayed.
3. Select one of the options from the Windows Advanced Menu and the simply press Enter.
4. When a new Boot menu is being displayed and the "Safe Mode" words appear in blue, select the install you wish to start with. Then press Enter.

The options you select when you start you computer in safe mode are accepted by Windows. They load a minimum set of drivers that will keep your computer running. This way Windows will be able to load the registry. Also in this stet drivers may be eliminated or added, depending on what you need.

When loading your Windows in safe mode a safety environment variable is being set. The variable's name is SAFEBOOT_OPTION. This may be set to either Network or Minimal. The Microsoft VGA driver is used implicitly. The driver will load 16 colors in a 640 x 480 resolution. In order to modify it you need to be fully connected to the Security account Manager, according to the mode you have opted for.

Here are some of the options you have available when starting in safe mode:

1. Safe mode - sets the SAFEBOOT_OPTION variable to Minimal value
2. Safe Mode with Networking - sets the SAFEBOOT_OPTION variable to Network value
3. Safe Mode with Command Prompt - "cmd.exe" in opened instead of Windows Ecplorer
4. Enable VGA mode - uses "vga.sys" driver
5. Last Known Good Configuration - starts an anterior working configuration
6. Directory Service Restore mode - solves the directory problems
7. Debugging Mode - useful for finding errors
8. Enable Boot Logging - enables the use of a boot journal
9. Start Windows Normally - does just that
10. Reboot – reboots

By Sturat Mitchel

Sturat enjoys writing articles on topics like how to start in safe mode and how to install fonts . For more information you can visit us

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Here's a Quick Way to Fix a Slow Running Computer

Are you asking a very common question asked by most computer users "Why is my computer running so slow?" When you first get your new computer from the store, whether it be a laptop or PC, it runs at optimum performance and you get pleasure from using it.

Unfortunately for all of us computer users, the computer registry becomes overloaded with new programs or applications. As a result the computer performance is very much reduced over a period of time and with it comes a lot of stress as programs seem to take forever to load. It's like running a sprint when we first bring the computer home to now walking a marathon with one step forward and two steps back.

The main reason for a slow running computer is problems with the registry. The registry is such an important part of the operating system where vital settings for each program or application are stored. However as we keep adding new games or applications to the registry, conflicts with new and existing programs will happen and files will be then become corrupt.

Then problems such as a slow operating system, dll errors, a blue screen and computer crashes will occur. It's now time to deal with this exasperating problems before you throw the computer out of your window.

You could try and fix the registry yourself, but you need to be so sure at what you are doing. If you delete the wrong files, you could actually end up with a disabled computer and the associated expensive bills from your computer shop.

The quickest and safest way is to run a free scan or download from one of the top registry cleaners. It will allow you to confirm the problems and to try out the software. Do not be worried that you have to be a computer expert to use the registry cleaner. The top programs are simple to use and with a few clicks of your mouse you can be up and running like new in about 15 minutes.

So click on the link below now for your free scan to start fixing your slow running computer. With a 100% money back guarantee and 24/7 support, should you need it, what have you got to lose. Good luck.

By Michael J Brooks

Michael J Brooks

Run a FREE Registry Scan Repair Now
To Fix Your Computer by visiting:

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Finding the Right Device Drivers

Computers come with all sorts of components to make them function properly. Hard drives, USB extensions, scanners, printers, you name it, it seems like there's a lot that goes into a well functioning PC. Finding the right device drivers for these components is essential in a smooth, and efficient running computer.

Drivers come in all flavours and sizes. Graphics, audio, printer drivers, and each one is required to be updated and functioning properly in order for you to get the most out of your PC. You see, drivers are translators. Basically a computer sends out generic signals that a devices driver then translates into a language the driver understands. A device only knows how to operate based on the functions its corresponding driver provides.

Unfortunately, these translators are notoriously known for being buggy. Drivers are updated all the time, and it can be difficult to stay on top with the correct and official versions. Very rarely are you informed of any critical updates and trying to find the correct download on the manufacturers web site can cause quite a headache.

Finding the right device drivers doesn't have to be as complex as it once was. Today there are dozens of software titles whose sole purpose is to scan your system for out of date or broken drivers. They then find the correct ones, download them and install keeping your computer the most up to date it has ever been. I'm a huge advocate of automatic driver software because it takes the difficult process of keeping your PC updated and running efficiently down to a simple click of a button.

By James Cannon

Stop wasting your time FIXING your computer when you could be USING it. Download a free scan and discover the best way to update drivers

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